Partners in strategy execution, organization development and change,
and organization effectiveness.
Organizations and systems exist within larger complex environments that subject them to multiple and often conflicting demands and constraints. Impacted by the shifting realities of their changing external environment, organizations must respond to new circumstances and challenges as they occur, usually requiring change in their internal environment. Such change frequently involves the development and reinforcement of organizational strategies, structures, processes and cultures for the purpose of improving organizational effectiveness.
We help change leaders develop a systems perspective toward change, and take a systems approach to leading and implementing change in their organizations. Through the application of behavioral science knowledge to planned organizational change, we heighten client awareness of how change in one part of the system reverberates through and impacts other parts of the organizational system.
We also work with leaders to help them understand that, as the stewards of change within their organization, organizational change really starts with them; and that change starts from the inside out. We help leaders appreciate that organizational transformation cannot be separated from personal transformation. The behaviors of leaders influence organizational culture. Members of organizations are less inclined to resist or impede change initiatives when they are assured, through their experience of the organization and its leadership, that organizational justice, compassion and equity will prevail throughout the change journey and into the new reality.